Download SIGERTEXMAPS SigerNoise v1.0 for 3ds Max

Artikel 3ds Max, Artikel Download, Artikel Shader, Artikel SigerNoise, Artikel SIGERTEXMAPS, Artikel Texturing,
[ #3dsMax ]
SigerNoise is Advanced 3D Texmap noise plugins for 3ds Max and it's FREE for download. It works with 3ds Max 2013 and above (64 bit)

3D Noise Texmap plugin includes an implementation of well-known noise patterns such as Perlin, Simplex and Worley (Voronoi).
The plugin file includes two 3D Texmap plugins: ProSimplex and ProVoronoi.
Support for large number of fractal options such as fBm, Turbulence, Ridged Multifractal…
With distortion and mapping all parameters from Size to Fractal Octaves you can get infinite number of different patterns.


Download it here
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[ #3dsMax ]
SigerNoise is Advanced 3D Texmap noise plugins for 3ds Max and it's FREE for download. It works with 3ds Max 2013 and above (64 bit)

3D Noise Texmap plugin includes an implementation of well-known noise patterns such as Perlin, Simplex and Worley (Voronoi).
The plugin file includes two 3D Texmap plugins: ProSimplex and ProVoronoi.
Support for large number of fractal options such as fBm, Turbulence, Ridged Multifractal…
With distortion and mapping all parameters from Size to Fractal Octaves you can get infinite number of different patterns.


Download it here
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Download SIGERTEXMAPS ComplexFresnel for 3ds Max 2013 - 2016

Artikel 3ds Max, Artikel ComplexFresnel, Artikel Corona, Artikel Download, Artikel Shader, Artikel SIGERTEXMAPS, Artikel Vray,
[ #3dsMax #Vray #Corona ]
Siger Studio has unveiled a free complex fresnel Texmap plugin for 3ds Max. It can be used to render materials with complex index of refraction (IOR): the regular material (for example V-Ray, Corona Renderer) can compute the Fresnel effect for dielectric materials like plastic based on the IOR of the material (n) – however metals have a more complicated Fresnel reflective curve that depends also on another parameter called extinction (k) coefficient: η = n + ik.
n and k determine the two characteristics of the Fresnel curve for a material: the reflectivity at normal incidence and how quickly it fades to white at grazing angles.

The Texmap plugin can be used as a reflection color map in a material with the Fresnel option of the material turned off (this plugin does its own Fresnel calculations).


n – the n (IOR) values for the Red/Green/Blue wavelengths (0.650, 0.510 and 0.475 μm).
k – the k (Extinction coefficient) values for the Red/Green/Blue wavelengths.

Presets – some presets for quick start (to enter other parameters (n, k) values it is necessary to select preset Custom).

If you need a bit different color (f. e. for various alloys), use a Color Adjustment parameters and adjust the Gamma, Hue, Saturation values. This way you still have the correct Fresnel curve and are just making color changes.
Gamma – specifies the gamma correction value.
Hue Shift – lets you change colors using a standard Hue spectrum. Range = -180…180.
Saturation – the intensity or purity of the colors. Lowering the Saturation value removes color, causing the color to tend toward grayscale, while raising it intensifies the color. Range = -100…100.

How to get values

The site has the measured n and k values for many metals like Copper, Gold, Iron etc.


Download SIGERTEXMAPS ComplexFresnel for 3ds Max 2013 - 2016 64 bit here
Also check some SIGERTEXMAPS ComplexFresnel examples by Autodesk Master - Jeff Patton, rendered with Corona Renderer here

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[ #3dsMax #Vray #Corona ]
Siger Studio has unveiled a free complex fresnel Texmap plugin for 3ds Max. It can be used to render materials with complex index of refraction (IOR): the regular material (for example V-Ray, Corona Renderer) can compute the Fresnel effect for dielectric materials like plastic based on the IOR of the material (n) – however metals have a more complicated Fresnel reflective curve that depends also on another parameter called extinction (k) coefficient: η = n + ik.
n and k determine the two characteristics of the Fresnel curve for a material: the reflectivity at normal incidence and how quickly it fades to white at grazing angles.

The Texmap plugin can be used as a reflection color map in a material with the Fresnel option of the material turned off (this plugin does its own Fresnel calculations).


n – the n (IOR) values for the Red/Green/Blue wavelengths (0.650, 0.510 and 0.475 μm).
k – the k (Extinction coefficient) values for the Red/Green/Blue wavelengths.

Presets – some presets for quick start (to enter other parameters (n, k) values it is necessary to select preset Custom).

If you need a bit different color (f. e. for various alloys), use a Color Adjustment parameters and adjust the Gamma, Hue, Saturation values. This way you still have the correct Fresnel curve and are just making color changes.
Gamma – specifies the gamma correction value.
Hue Shift – lets you change colors using a standard Hue spectrum. Range = -180…180.
Saturation – the intensity or purity of the colors. Lowering the Saturation value removes color, causing the color to tend toward grayscale, while raising it intensifies the color. Range = -100…100.

How to get values

The site has the measured n and k values for many metals like Copper, Gold, Iron etc.


Download SIGERTEXMAPS ComplexFresnel for 3ds Max 2013 - 2016 64 bit here
Also check some SIGERTEXMAPS ComplexFresnel examples by Autodesk Master - Jeff Patton, rendered with Corona Renderer here

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