XRemesher 1.0 for 3ds Max

Artikel 3ds Max, Artikel 3ds Max Script, Artikel Download, Artikel Modeling, Artikel Retopology Tools,
[ #3dsMax #Modeling ]
Jerome Ledrole has shared XRemesher v1.0 is a custom tool to retopologize meshes inside 3ds Max in a fast and straightforward way. The toolkit makes use of the Instant Meshes Library. XRemesher is capable of remeshing complex and heavy meshes in a short amount of time.

With this tool, you have the choice to remesh your object as Tris or Quads meshes. You can define the desired "vertex count", "face count" or "edge length" for the remeshed object. It also includes a final "clean pass" to get rid of bad topological meshes.
Two remeshing process are available :
- the first one is a batch process where you use the command line mode of Instant meshes (Quick remesh, less options....)
- next one where you send and open the mesh inside Instant Meshes... that way you can better tweak the final result by using the orientation & position brush (tweak edges loops for quads output ie)

>> See Also: Download TerrainAxe for 3ds Max


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[ #3dsMax #Modeling ]
Jerome Ledrole has shared XRemesher v1.0 is a custom tool to retopologize meshes inside 3ds Max in a fast and straightforward way. The toolkit makes use of the Instant Meshes Library. XRemesher is capable of remeshing complex and heavy meshes in a short amount of time.

With this tool, you have the choice to remesh your object as Tris or Quads meshes. You can define the desired "vertex count", "face count" or "edge length" for the remeshed object. It also includes a final "clean pass" to get rid of bad topological meshes.
Two remeshing process are available :
- the first one is a batch process where you use the command line mode of Instant meshes (Quick remesh, less options....)
- next one where you send and open the mesh inside Instant Meshes... that way you can better tweak the final result by using the orientation & position brush (tweak edges loops for quads output ie)

>> See Also: Download TerrainAxe for 3ds Max


Free download XRemesher 1.0 for 3ds Max and Donate if you find this script useful.
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Retopology Tools v1.0.0 for Blender

Artikel Blender, Artikel Modeling, Artikel Retopology Tools,
[ #Blender ]
RetopoFlow is an add-on for Blender that brings together a set of retopology tools that enable you to work more quickly, efficiently, and in a more artist-friendly manner. The tools, which are specifically designed for retopology, create a complete workflow in Blender without the need for additional software.

Automatic surface snapping

RetopoFlow includes two primary tools, Contours and Polystrips. Both of these tools automatically generate geometry by drawing on an existing surface, snapping the new mesh to the target surface at all times, meaning you never have to worry about your mesh conforming to the original model (no shrinkwrap required!). Additionally, all mesh generation is quad-based and the tools are modal, creating a very interactive workflow.

Contours: stroke-based retopo for cylindrical forms

The Contours tool gives you a quick and easy way to retopologize cylindrical forms. For example, it’s ideal for organic forms, such as arms, legs, tentacles, tails, horns, etc.

The tool works by drawing strokes perpendicular to the form to define the contour of the shape. Immediately upon drawing the first stroke, a preview mesh is generated, showing you exactly what you’ll get. You can draw as many strokes as you like, in any order, from any direction.

Polystrips: quad strips for complex topology flow

The Polystrips tool provides quick and easy ways create the key face loops needed to retopologize a complex model. For example, if you need to retopologize a human face, creatures, or any other complex organic & hard-surface object.

Polystrips works by hand-drawing strokes on to the high-resolution object. The strokes are instantly converted into spline-based strips of polygons, which can be used to quickly map out the key topology flow. Clean mesh previews are generated on the fly, showing you the exact mesh that’ll be created.


Get Retopology Tools v1.0.0 for Blender for $71.25 here:
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[ #Blender ]
RetopoFlow is an add-on for Blender that brings together a set of retopology tools that enable you to work more quickly, efficiently, and in a more artist-friendly manner. The tools, which are specifically designed for retopology, create a complete workflow in Blender without the need for additional software.

Automatic surface snapping

RetopoFlow includes two primary tools, Contours and Polystrips. Both of these tools automatically generate geometry by drawing on an existing surface, snapping the new mesh to the target surface at all times, meaning you never have to worry about your mesh conforming to the original model (no shrinkwrap required!). Additionally, all mesh generation is quad-based and the tools are modal, creating a very interactive workflow.

Contours: stroke-based retopo for cylindrical forms

The Contours tool gives you a quick and easy way to retopologize cylindrical forms. For example, it’s ideal for organic forms, such as arms, legs, tentacles, tails, horns, etc.

The tool works by drawing strokes perpendicular to the form to define the contour of the shape. Immediately upon drawing the first stroke, a preview mesh is generated, showing you exactly what you’ll get. You can draw as many strokes as you like, in any order, from any direction.

Polystrips: quad strips for complex topology flow

The Polystrips tool provides quick and easy ways create the key face loops needed to retopologize a complex model. For example, if you need to retopologize a human face, creatures, or any other complex organic & hard-surface object.

Polystrips works by hand-drawing strokes on to the high-resolution object. The strokes are instantly converted into spline-based strips of polygons, which can be used to quickly map out the key topology flow. Clean mesh previews are generated on the fly, showing you the exact mesh that’ll be created.


Get Retopology Tools v1.0.0 for Blender for $71.25 here:
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