Parametric Array 4.1 for 3ds Max 2011 - 2015

Artikel 3ds Max, Artikel Modeling, Artikel Para 3d, Artikel Parametric Array, Artikel Torabi Architect,
[ #3dsMax ]
Torabi Architect has unveiled Parametric Array ( Para 3d ) 4.1 for 3ds Max 2011 - 2015

>> See Also: Download Fractal Maker 1.1 for 3ds Max

Changes for 4.1 are:

- 'Array Filter' allows users to create filter specific parameters
- Adds saving and loading of ParaFlow files (controller nodes only)
- Adds an enable/disable function to the 'Array Variable Override'
- Additional methods have been incorporated into the 'Interpolate controller'
- 'Mesh Controller' returns material ID of face(s) in edit_poly and edit_mesh objects
- Rectangle Packing is now available under 'Packing Controller'
- Initial node loading time has been optimized
- 'Linear Controller' can now select corners
- 'Bitmap Controller' now loads correctly
- Fixes an error with 'Dynamic Update'
- 'Extract wire-frame' now allows use of 'Linear Controllers'
- 'Update All' initiates the update of all Para Nodes within a ParaFlow
- Merging Max files containing Para Nodes is now more reliable
- 'Replace Object' tool now works in conjunction with 'Array Selection' add-on
- Bugs fixed within the 'Array Linker' add-on


Download Parametric Array 4.1 for 3ds Max 2011 to 2015 demo version here or buy it for $150
  More 3ds Max Plugin
[ #3dsMax ]
Torabi Architect has unveiled Parametric Array ( Para 3d ) 4.1 for 3ds Max 2011 - 2015

>> See Also: Download Fractal Maker 1.1 for 3ds Max

Changes for 4.1 are:

- 'Array Filter' allows users to create filter specific parameters
- Adds saving and loading of ParaFlow files (controller nodes only)
- Adds an enable/disable function to the 'Array Variable Override'
- Additional methods have been incorporated into the 'Interpolate controller'
- 'Mesh Controller' returns material ID of face(s) in edit_poly and edit_mesh objects
- Rectangle Packing is now available under 'Packing Controller'
- Initial node loading time has been optimized
- 'Linear Controller' can now select corners
- 'Bitmap Controller' now loads correctly
- Fixes an error with 'Dynamic Update'
- 'Extract wire-frame' now allows use of 'Linear Controllers'
- 'Update All' initiates the update of all Para Nodes within a ParaFlow
- Merging Max files containing Para Nodes is now more reliable
- 'Replace Object' tool now works in conjunction with 'Array Selection' add-on
- Bugs fixed within the 'Array Linker' add-on


Download Parametric Array 4.1 for 3ds Max 2011 to 2015 demo version here or buy it for $150
  More 3ds Max Plugin

Download Para 3d 4.0 for 3ds Max 2011-2015

Artikel 3ds Max, Artikel Modeling, Artikel Para 3d, Artikel Parametric Array,
[ #3dsMax ]
PARA 3d is a scripted plug-in for 3ds Max which enables users to create parametric digital models and animations using all excessive modeling features of 3DS MAX and additional controllers available in the plug-in. Para 3d 4 is now available with complete ground up restructuring for higher performance, increased stability and stronger platform for future development

>> See Also: Walls & Tiles v1.3.0 for 3dsMax 2011 - 2014

New Features :

  -Array Selection - Selects array members using boolean value
  -Export to Comma Separated Values (CSV) (exports controller outputs to text files*)
  -Array Size - Dynamic array count adjustment
  -Snap Shot - Creates single geometry from an array member*
  -Key Frame Maker - Generates key frames for members within an array in a specified time span*
  -Array Linker - Links 3ds Max Nodes using Para 3d controllers
  -Paint - Adjusts an objects color using controller output*
Parametric Nodes
  -All parametric nodes have output channels enabling more complex relationships
  -Reference Array - Users can generate multiple reference arrays from existing parametric arrays
  -Compound Node - Enables users to combined members of multiple arrays using boolean operations or shape attachments
  -Contour Generator - Produces section cuts using spline output through a given array
  -Extract Wireframe - Converts edges of polygon members into splines
See how to create Parametric wall with Para 3d 4.0

Download :

Para 3d 4.0 works with 3ds Max 2011 or higher on Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows XP SP2 x64 Edition, Windows Server 2008 with .net framework installed. More information buy a single license for 150usd or download free here
  More Modeling Plugin
[ #3dsMax ]
PARA 3d is a scripted plug-in for 3ds Max which enables users to create parametric digital models and animations using all excessive modeling features of 3DS MAX and additional controllers available in the plug-in. Para 3d 4 is now available with complete ground up restructuring for higher performance, increased stability and stronger platform for future development

>> See Also: Walls & Tiles v1.3.0 for 3dsMax 2011 - 2014

New Features :

  -Array Selection - Selects array members using boolean value
  -Export to Comma Separated Values (CSV) (exports controller outputs to text files*)
  -Array Size - Dynamic array count adjustment
  -Snap Shot - Creates single geometry from an array member*
  -Key Frame Maker - Generates key frames for members within an array in a specified time span*
  -Array Linker - Links 3ds Max Nodes using Para 3d controllers
  -Paint - Adjusts an objects color using controller output*
Parametric Nodes
  -All parametric nodes have output channels enabling more complex relationships
  -Reference Array - Users can generate multiple reference arrays from existing parametric arrays
  -Compound Node - Enables users to combined members of multiple arrays using boolean operations or shape attachments
  -Contour Generator - Produces section cuts using spline output through a given array
  -Extract Wireframe - Converts edges of polygon members into splines
See how to create Parametric wall with Para 3d 4.0

Download :

Para 3d 4.0 works with 3ds Max 2011 or higher on Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows XP SP2 x64 Edition, Windows Server 2008 with .net framework installed. More information buy a single license for 150usd or download free here
  More Modeling Plugin

PARA 3d v3.1 for 3ds Max 2010 - 2014

Artikel 3ds Max, Artikel Featured, Artikel Modeling, Artikel Parametric Array,

PARA 3d is a scripted plug-in for 3ds Max which enables users to create parametric digital models and animations using all excessive modeling features of 3ds Max and additional controllers available in the plug-in. Torabi Architect has unveiled version 3.1 of this plugin with some new cool features

PARA 3d v3.1 New Features are:

- Para settings can now be changed from Para dialog box just like controller settings
- Zoom extent function is now available from the right click menu
- Mouse scroll now zooms in and out around the mouse pointer
- All child controllers now move with the parent controller when parent is collapsed
- Improved layout for properties and controller channels in new Para 3d interface
- First time opening of Para dialog box is now faster
- More tool tips are available to describe interface features
- New Custom Parameter controller is available from the controller library
- Adds a normalize vector option in the vector controller
- Additional update methods in the intersection controller
- ParaLink controller now shows all transformations when no controller is available on target array
- New align functions have been added to the Transform controller
- User can pass objects to the Mesh controller using another controller
- Random controller intensity option fixed
- Fixes a crash if there is an error in the update process
- Fixes bugs in the Intersection controller
- Set value spinner in the Interpolate controller is now functional
- Adds a prompt if two or more objects are selected with same index
- Update array from tool bar now works when multiple objects are selected
- Fixes a DotNet error in the arrange controller function
- Make unique function now works when multiple properties are selected
- New para node comes on front

See the video showing how to create organic forms in PARA 3d below


Parametric Array is available for Max 2010 - 2014 with the price is $80, or you can get a trial version here

PARA 3d is a scripted plug-in for 3ds Max which enables users to create parametric digital models and animations using all excessive modeling features of 3ds Max and additional controllers available in the plug-in. Torabi Architect has unveiled version 3.1 of this plugin with some new cool features

PARA 3d v3.1 New Features are:

- Para settings can now be changed from Para dialog box just like controller settings
- Zoom extent function is now available from the right click menu
- Mouse scroll now zooms in and out around the mouse pointer
- All child controllers now move with the parent controller when parent is collapsed
- Improved layout for properties and controller channels in new Para 3d interface
- First time opening of Para dialog box is now faster
- More tool tips are available to describe interface features
- New Custom Parameter controller is available from the controller library
- Adds a normalize vector option in the vector controller
- Additional update methods in the intersection controller
- ParaLink controller now shows all transformations when no controller is available on target array
- New align functions have been added to the Transform controller
- User can pass objects to the Mesh controller using another controller
- Random controller intensity option fixed
- Fixes a crash if there is an error in the update process
- Fixes bugs in the Intersection controller
- Set value spinner in the Interpolate controller is now functional
- Adds a prompt if two or more objects are selected with same index
- Update array from tool bar now works when multiple objects are selected
- Fixes a DotNet error in the arrange controller function
- Make unique function now works when multiple properties are selected
- New para node comes on front

See the video showing how to create organic forms in PARA 3d below


Parametric Array is available for Max 2010 - 2014 with the price is $80, or you can get a trial version here

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