DEM Earth R3 for Cinema 4D R13 - R17

Artikel Cinema 4D, Artikel DEM Earth, Artikel Environment, Artikel Modeling,
[ #Cinema4D ]
DEM Earth is a Cinema 4D plugins that helps you to easily Generate dynamic Digital Elevation Models and georeference them in real-time to your world imagery

>> DEM Earth 2.0 C4D Plugin Tutorial

DEM Earth automatically downloads the data it needs to build the model you want. All you have to do is provide a Geographic coordinate. Produce real-time interactive and dynamic landscapes which you can pan, zoom and animate and place anything on, in any way you want.

DEM Earth R3 Features included:

  -Geo Modifier – Map any polygon, spline or point based object onto DEM Earth.
  -Track Graph – Make an instant graph out of a gpx track, or any spline.
  -Poly Importer – Import country, county, regional borders using the osmosis poly format.
  -Smart Extruder – vastly improved. Better caps, better UVW mapping, less polygons.
  -Smart OSM – New Interpolation and surface offset settings, deliver what you need.
  -DEM Earth Object – improved UVW, to make baking, much easier.


More information and download DEM Earth R3 for Cinema 4D R13 - R17 here
  More Cinema 4D Plugin [post_ad]
[ #Cinema4D ]
DEM Earth is a Cinema 4D plugins that helps you to easily Generate dynamic Digital Elevation Models and georeference them in real-time to your world imagery

>> DEM Earth 2.0 C4D Plugin Tutorial

DEM Earth automatically downloads the data it needs to build the model you want. All you have to do is provide a Geographic coordinate. Produce real-time interactive and dynamic landscapes which you can pan, zoom and animate and place anything on, in any way you want.

DEM Earth R3 Features included:

  -Geo Modifier – Map any polygon, spline or point based object onto DEM Earth.
  -Track Graph – Make an instant graph out of a gpx track, or any spline.
  -Poly Importer – Import country, county, regional borders using the osmosis poly format.
  -Smart Extruder – vastly improved. Better caps, better UVW mapping, less polygons.
  -Smart OSM – New Interpolation and surface offset settings, deliver what you need.
  -DEM Earth Object – improved UVW, to make baking, much easier.


More information and download DEM Earth R3 for Cinema 4D R13 - R17 here
  More Cinema 4D Plugin [post_ad]

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