Pulldownit 3.8 for 3ds Max and Maya

Artikel 3ds Max, Artikel Destruction, Artikel Pulldownit, Artikel Thinkinetic, Artikel VFX,
[ #VFX #Pulldownit #3dsMax #AdskMaya ]
Thinkinetic has announced the release of Pulldownit 3.8 today with a bunch of fixes and enhancements, making the plugin more reliable and quick in production environments, surely users will appreciate the fast Undo Last Shatter operation or the outstanding Jaggy feature now preserving UVs of the original faces, and other useful improvements

>> See Also: Pulldownit tutorial

But this update is specially about Wood Splinters Shatter, Thinkinetic has developed a new scheme for it so now you get allways long, thin splinters even when reshattering areas, adding to this a stable dynamics for fracturing wooden objects and the Jaggy feature to apply roughness in the inner faces, you can get quite natural wood destruction effects very fast.

Pulldownit 3.8 Enhancements:
  -Available for 3d Max 2017 and Maya 2016 extension 2
  -New Wood Splinters Reshattering scheme
  -New “detect mesh groups” shatter option for shattering correctly combined meshes
  -Jagginess preserve UVs of original faces( single and multi uvs)PreserveUVs
  -Cut Material->new allows to update the material of current shatter group
  -original object is auto selected after Shatter it->Undo All
  -AutoSelect the fracture body in list corrersponding to current selected fragment
  -Improved performance drawing of fragments in 3ds Max
  -Shatter Undo Last is now a fast operation
  -Support VP 2.0 Core profile mode in Maya( rest of modes were already supported)
  -Support Maya 2016 Parallel mode
  -PDI keys uses 30% less RAM in Maya getting the playback of massive rbd scenes faster.
For more information and download Pulldownit 3.8 for 3ds Max and Maya here
  More VFX Plugin [post_ad]
[ #VFX #Pulldownit #3dsMax #AdskMaya ]
Thinkinetic has announced the release of Pulldownit 3.8 today with a bunch of fixes and enhancements, making the plugin more reliable and quick in production environments, surely users will appreciate the fast Undo Last Shatter operation or the outstanding Jaggy feature now preserving UVs of the original faces, and other useful improvements

>> See Also: Pulldownit tutorial

But this update is specially about Wood Splinters Shatter, Thinkinetic has developed a new scheme for it so now you get allways long, thin splinters even when reshattering areas, adding to this a stable dynamics for fracturing wooden objects and the Jaggy feature to apply roughness in the inner faces, you can get quite natural wood destruction effects very fast.

Pulldownit 3.8 Enhancements:
  -Available for 3d Max 2017 and Maya 2016 extension 2
  -New Wood Splinters Reshattering scheme
  -New “detect mesh groups” shatter option for shattering correctly combined meshes
  -Jagginess preserve UVs of original faces( single and multi uvs)PreserveUVs
  -Cut Material->new allows to update the material of current shatter group
  -original object is auto selected after Shatter it->Undo All
  -AutoSelect the fracture body in list corrersponding to current selected fragment
  -Improved performance drawing of fragments in 3ds Max
  -Shatter Undo Last is now a fast operation
  -Support VP 2.0 Core profile mode in Maya( rest of modes were already supported)
  -Support Maya 2016 Parallel mode
  -PDI keys uses 30% less RAM in Maya getting the playback of massive rbd scenes faster.
For more information and download Pulldownit 3.8 for 3ds Max and Maya here
  More VFX Plugin [post_ad]

Pulldownit v3.7 for 3ds Max and Maya

Artikel 3ds Max, Artikel Destruction, Artikel Maya, Artikel Pulldownit, Artikel Thinkinetic, Artikel VFX,
[ #Pulldownit #VFX #3dsMax #adskMaya ]
Thinkinetic has announced that Pulldownit v3.7 for 3ds Max and Maya is now available. Main focus in this update is to increase plugin reliablity and improve to the maximum several already outstanding features. All reported bugs so far have been fixed, working with hi-poly meshes for shatter and dynamics is faster and several options for fracturing has been adjusted following users experience

>> See Also: Pulldownit tutorial

Pulldownit 3.7 Enhancements:

  -Perfect shattering of holed concave shapes like 3D letters
  -20% speed up shatter for hi-poly meses
  -Improved behavior of fracture bodies option “Break Upon Impact” specially with force fields
  -“Force convex shapes” is now the default for fracture bodies creation, allowing very fast and stable fracture dynamics in most cases.

Fixes for 3ds Max plugin:

  -Fixed rigid body masses overrided after reseting scene
  -Fixed jagginess doesnt apply to fragments with multi uvs
  -Fixed shatter crash when non-convex faces are present
  -Fixed seed 0 doesnt generate diferent point cloud each time
  -Fixed Radial shatter generated aligned points on the borders
  -Fixed fragments slide weirdly on the grid plane
  -Fixed 3d Max crash when apply jagginess to concave faces
  -Fixed 3d Max crash sometimes after making scene->new and resetting simulation
  -Fixed 3d Max crash after shattering an object with modifiers applied sometimes
  -Fixed shatter preview point cloud weird displacement with excentric objects
  -Fixed Fracture bodies attach nearby fragments each other regardless threshold sometimes
  -Fixed Fracture bodies ignores breakable by frame clusters when fragments are sleeping

Fixes For Maya Plugin:

  -Fixed local shatter pivot doesnt fit to surface by default
  -Fixed missed normals for holed faces
  -Fixed seed 0 doesnt generate diferent point cloud each time
  -Fixed hidden scene layers are showed after loading a scene
  -Fixed shatter locator get selection lost when moving it in preview mode
  -Fixed Undo queue turned off after some plugins operations
  -Fixed Radial shatter generated aligned points on the borders
  -Fixed reshatter in preview mode fails when UI units diferent than cm
  -Fixed fragments slide weirdly on the grid plane
  -Fixed shatter preview point cloud weird displacement with excentric objects
  -Fixed Shatter Undo all delete ground grid when there arent Pdi bodies in scene
  -Fixed Fracture bodies attach nearby fragments each other regardless threshold sometimes
  -Fixed Fracture bodies ignores breakable by frame clusters when fragments are sleeping
  -Fixed Advanced fractures window doesnt clean-up after scene new


Pulldownit v3.7 for 3ds Max and Maya is available here!
  More Pulldownit Plugin [post_ad]
[ #Pulldownit #VFX #3dsMax #adskMaya ]
Thinkinetic has announced that Pulldownit v3.7 for 3ds Max and Maya is now available. Main focus in this update is to increase plugin reliablity and improve to the maximum several already outstanding features. All reported bugs so far have been fixed, working with hi-poly meshes for shatter and dynamics is faster and several options for fracturing has been adjusted following users experience

>> See Also: Pulldownit tutorial

Pulldownit 3.7 Enhancements:

  -Perfect shattering of holed concave shapes like 3D letters
  -20% speed up shatter for hi-poly meses
  -Improved behavior of fracture bodies option “Break Upon Impact” specially with force fields
  -“Force convex shapes” is now the default for fracture bodies creation, allowing very fast and stable fracture dynamics in most cases.

Fixes for 3ds Max plugin:

  -Fixed rigid body masses overrided after reseting scene
  -Fixed jagginess doesnt apply to fragments with multi uvs
  -Fixed shatter crash when non-convex faces are present
  -Fixed seed 0 doesnt generate diferent point cloud each time
  -Fixed Radial shatter generated aligned points on the borders
  -Fixed fragments slide weirdly on the grid plane
  -Fixed 3d Max crash when apply jagginess to concave faces
  -Fixed 3d Max crash sometimes after making scene->new and resetting simulation
  -Fixed 3d Max crash after shattering an object with modifiers applied sometimes
  -Fixed shatter preview point cloud weird displacement with excentric objects
  -Fixed Fracture bodies attach nearby fragments each other regardless threshold sometimes
  -Fixed Fracture bodies ignores breakable by frame clusters when fragments are sleeping

Fixes For Maya Plugin:

  -Fixed local shatter pivot doesnt fit to surface by default
  -Fixed missed normals for holed faces
  -Fixed seed 0 doesnt generate diferent point cloud each time
  -Fixed hidden scene layers are showed after loading a scene
  -Fixed shatter locator get selection lost when moving it in preview mode
  -Fixed Undo queue turned off after some plugins operations
  -Fixed Radial shatter generated aligned points on the borders
  -Fixed reshatter in preview mode fails when UI units diferent than cm
  -Fixed fragments slide weirdly on the grid plane
  -Fixed shatter preview point cloud weird displacement with excentric objects
  -Fixed Shatter Undo all delete ground grid when there arent Pdi bodies in scene
  -Fixed Fracture bodies attach nearby fragments each other regardless threshold sometimes
  -Fixed Fracture bodies ignores breakable by frame clusters when fragments are sleeping
  -Fixed Advanced fractures window doesnt clean-up after scene new


Pulldownit v3.7 for 3ds Max and Maya is available here!
  More Pulldownit Plugin [post_ad]

Pulldownit v3.5 for 3d Max 2016 and Maya 2016

Artikel 3ds Max, Artikel Maya, Artikel Pulldownit, Artikel Thinkinetic, Artikel VFX,
[ #Pulldownit #vfx ]
Thinkinetic has announced that Pulldownit v 3.5 is available for latest 3d Max 2016 and Maya 2016, in addition it comes with several fixes and useful new features. Congruent vertex normals after shattering, removing in this way the visible seams of light reflection between the broken pieces,

>> See Also: PulldownIt tutorial

Uniform\Local\Radial shatter pattern auto-adjust to selected shards region only, making reshatering more user-friendly while keeping the nice Conform Voronoi reshattering introduced in v 3.0, besides Uniform shatter pattern can be offsetted/squeezed, very handy option when user is interested in destroying only part of a model.

Fracturing hi-poly meshes dynamically can be time consuming, user can now force convex shapes on fracture bodies creation to speed up computations of fracture, or to make faster destruction previews.

Transition animation-dynamics is one of the most powerful features of PDI, in this update we extend it so user can animate a group of fragments with motion keys and set it to start in dynamics after being hit or at a desired frame.

There are also other improvements and fixes specific for 3d Max or Maya plugins, here the full list.

New Features:

  -Available for 3d Max and Maya 2016
  -Congruent vertex normals after shattering.
  -Uniform shatter pattern can be offsetted/squeezed
  -Uniform\Local\Radial extend to selected shards región on reshattering
  -Ability to do transition animation-dynamics for group of fragments
  -Force convex shapes option for fracture bodies creation
  -Added DirectX support for viewport 2.0 in Maya( OpenGl was already supported)


  -Fixed slow loading of scenes with PDi data in Maya
  -Fixed concave faces generate incorrect pdi faces in Maya
  -Fixed invalid stresses created between isolated fragments and the rest
  -Fixed clusters outstresses are lost after loading the scene in 3d max
  -Fixed 3d Max crash when object has a multimaterial with empty slots
  -Fixed shatter progress bar for several objects in 3d max
  -Fixed cancelling shatter doesnt revert to original node
  -Fixed Shatterit skip some objects when shattering in ortographic view(3d Max)
  -Fixed setting Uniform after local doesnt hide locators in preview mode( Maya)
  -Fixed some values doesnt update after creating a fracture body(Maya)
  -Fixed advanced fractures lost focus after setting static fragments(Maya)
  -Fixed modify jagginess fails in frame diferent that start frame(Maya)
  -Fixed transition anim-dynamics fails in 2 steps sims
  -Fixed update crackers list when a cracker is deleted by user in viewport
  -Fixed modifying clusterize parameter in frame diferent than start frame (3d max)


More information and get Pulldownit v3.5 for 3d Max 2016 and Maya 2016 here
  More VFX Plugin [post_ad]
[ #Pulldownit #vfx ]
Thinkinetic has announced that Pulldownit v 3.5 is available for latest 3d Max 2016 and Maya 2016, in addition it comes with several fixes and useful new features. Congruent vertex normals after shattering, removing in this way the visible seams of light reflection between the broken pieces,

>> See Also: PulldownIt tutorial

Uniform\Local\Radial shatter pattern auto-adjust to selected shards region only, making reshatering more user-friendly while keeping the nice Conform Voronoi reshattering introduced in v 3.0, besides Uniform shatter pattern can be offsetted/squeezed, very handy option when user is interested in destroying only part of a model.

Fracturing hi-poly meshes dynamically can be time consuming, user can now force convex shapes on fracture bodies creation to speed up computations of fracture, or to make faster destruction previews.

Transition animation-dynamics is one of the most powerful features of PDI, in this update we extend it so user can animate a group of fragments with motion keys and set it to start in dynamics after being hit or at a desired frame.

There are also other improvements and fixes specific for 3d Max or Maya plugins, here the full list.

New Features:

  -Available for 3d Max and Maya 2016
  -Congruent vertex normals after shattering.
  -Uniform shatter pattern can be offsetted/squeezed
  -Uniform\Local\Radial extend to selected shards región on reshattering
  -Ability to do transition animation-dynamics for group of fragments
  -Force convex shapes option for fracture bodies creation
  -Added DirectX support for viewport 2.0 in Maya( OpenGl was already supported)


  -Fixed slow loading of scenes with PDi data in Maya
  -Fixed concave faces generate incorrect pdi faces in Maya
  -Fixed invalid stresses created between isolated fragments and the rest
  -Fixed clusters outstresses are lost after loading the scene in 3d max
  -Fixed 3d Max crash when object has a multimaterial with empty slots
  -Fixed shatter progress bar for several objects in 3d max
  -Fixed cancelling shatter doesnt revert to original node
  -Fixed Shatterit skip some objects when shattering in ortographic view(3d Max)
  -Fixed setting Uniform after local doesnt hide locators in preview mode( Maya)
  -Fixed some values doesnt update after creating a fracture body(Maya)
  -Fixed advanced fractures lost focus after setting static fragments(Maya)
  -Fixed modify jagginess fails in frame diferent that start frame(Maya)
  -Fixed transition anim-dynamics fails in 2 steps sims
  -Fixed update crackers list when a cracker is deleted by user in viewport
  -Fixed modifying clusterize parameter in frame diferent than start frame (3d max)


More information and get Pulldownit v3.5 for 3d Max 2016 and Maya 2016 here
  More VFX Plugin [post_ad]

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